- 1kg chicken breast
- 2 courgettes
- 100gr speck or bacon stripes (thin)
- 1 egg white
- pitted black olives
- 1 spoon of Pesto sauce
- salt and pepper

Cut the chicken breast in thin strips and then in small dices, put them in a bowl and add the olives.
Add the Pesto, the egg white, salt and pepper and mix well by hands. Prepare the courgettes, thinly cut on the long side. Cover a loaf baking pan alternating a courgette slice and bacon/speck slice. Pour the mix prepared with the chicken in the mold, press a bit and cover with other courgettes and bacon slices.
Cook in the oven at bain marie at 180°C, for 40 minutes.
Let it rest until lukewarn, turn upside-down and serve.
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