lunedì 31 marzo 2014

Savoy cabbage Lasagne

Ingredients - serve 4 people:

  • a middle size Savoy cabbage 
  • 300 gr minced pork
  • 100 gr. sausage
  • 2 tablespoons of concentrated tomato sauce
  • 1 rennet apple
  • 1 onion
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1/2 glass white wine
  • nutmeg, cinnamon,jenniper berry
  • 5 dl milk
  • 40 gr flour
  • 50 gr grated parmesan
  • 50 gr. butter
  • salt

In a pan, brown the crumbled sausage and the minced pork with the butter. Add the onion and the apple roughly ground, bay leaves, a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg, 2 tablespoons of concentrated tomato sauce and salt.
mix all the ingredients, add the wine, cover the pan and cook at a low temperature for 40 minutes.
Prepare the béchamel melting the butter in a pan, add the flour, cold milk and cook stirring at a low temperature for a few minutes until it boils. Add salt and parmesan.
Take away the core of the cabbage and cook the leaves in boiling water for 2/3 minutes.
Drain and dry them.
Lay some meat sauce on the bottom of a buttered oven-proof dish then take turns with cabbage leaves, meat sauce, béchamel.
Finish with a layer of béchamel.
Bake the lasagne in hot oven for 30 minutes.

Tuna loaf

  • 300 gr of tinned tuna without oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 spoonfuls breadcrumbs
  • 3 spoonfuls of grated parmesan
  • a handful of capers without salt
  • an anchovy – if you feel like it!
Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix them.
Give the mixture a cylindrical shape, wet the greaseproof paper and wrap in it.
Make 2 knots at the end and cook in a pan in cold water.
Cook for 1 hour starting from the moment the water boils.
Serve with mayonnaise or green sauce

Roulade of swordfish with asparagus

Ingredients - Serve 4 people:

  • 8 slices of sworfish thinly cut (5 mm)
  • 32 asparagus ends steamed or boiled
  • 1/2 glass white wine
  • a bunch of parsley
  • 2 spoons of unsalted capers
  • 50 gr of grated sheep’s cheese
  • 8 blades of chive

In a blender put parsley, capers, sheep’s cheese, salt and pepper.
Lay the slices of swordfish, add the mixture, lay 4 asparagus on each slice so that you can see the end of them, roll the roulade and make a knot with the chive.
In a buttered ovenproof dish, put the roulades, add oil and white wine .
Bake in a 180°C oven for 20 minutes.

Savory cookies with pecorino and olives

Ingredients for 50 cookies:

  • 150 gr flour 00 (strong white)
  • 150 gr. of buckwheat
  • 170 gr. butter
  • 200 gr. tuscan pecorino
  • 80 gr. green olives - unstoned
  • salt and pepper

Grate the pecorino. In a mixer blend the flour with the butter, pecorino salt and pepper until you get a smooth mixture.
Add the olives and roughly mix . Give this mixture the shape of a small loaf.
Lay the mixture 5 mm thick.
With a pastry cutter, cut the mixture in different shapes (star, flower) and put them on a baking tin. 
Bake in the oven at 180°C for 12 minutes.
You can keep them in a tin for up to one week.

Sweet frittura

Ingredients - Serves 6 people:
  • 1 l. milk
  • 200 gr semolina
  • 4 spoonfuls sugar
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 knob of butter
  • a pinch of salt
  • grated skin of lemon
  • 1 egg
  • breadcrumbs
  • corn oil to fry
Pour the milk in a pan, put it on the stove and stirring add the semolina, a pinch of salt and sugar. Never stop stirring , bring to the boil and cook for 5 minutes.
Take the pan away from the fire, add the butter, egg yolks , grated lemon.
Lay the mixture on a dish previously damped in cold water with a wet palette getting a rectangle 2 cm thick.
Cut it into squares, dip them into the beaten egg with a pinch of salt, then into the breadcrumbs and fry them into hot oil.

Parma ham and nectarine tartlets

  • a packet of sandwich loaf
  • 100 gr. robiola cheese
  • 50 gr. Parma ham
  • a lemon
  • a nectarine
  • a bunch of chives
  • pepper
Prepare the tartlets following the previous recipe.
Flavour the robiola with pepper, grated lemon and chopped chive.
When cold, stuff the tartlets with the mixture and garnish with ham cut into strips and slices of nectarine

Renette apple pinzimonio


  • 600 gr. vegetables in sticks
  • 2 rennet apples (sour apples)
  • 80 gr sweet-and-sour onions
  • 60 gr sweet-and-sour pickled gherkins
  • parsley, lemon, extravirgin olive oil, salt, tabasco sauce

Peel the apples, remove the core, cut them into squares and blend them with the onions, gherkin, 100gr of oil, 100 gr of water, the juice of a lemon,salt, parsley and tabasco sauce.
Put the shake into small glasses. 

Serve with the vegetables in sticks.

lunedì 17 marzo 2014

Girelle di semolino


  • 250 gr. semolino
  • 1 l. latte
  • 80 gr. burro
  • 2 tuorli
  • 150 gr. parmigiano grattugiato
  • un pizzico di noce moscata
  • sale
  • 100 gr. prosciutto cotto a fette
  • 100 gr. formaggio tipo fontina o emmental a fette

Mettere sul fuoco una pentola con il latte, una noce di burro, il sale e la noce moscata; appena bolle, versare a pioggia il semolino mescolando bene per evitare che si formino grumi. Cuocere a fuoco basso per una decina di minuti, fino a quando il composto si addensa. Togliere il recipiente dal fuoco ed aggiungere i due tuorli e 100 gr. di parmigiano. Versare il composto su un foglio di carta da forno bagnato e strizzato e con un coltello livellare a circa 1 cm. di altezza, ottenendo una forma rettangolare. Lasciar raffreddare. Stendere sul semolino le fette di formaggio, lasciando un piccolo bordo, poi le fette di prosciutto cotto. Aiutandosi con la carta arrotolare il composto come uno strudel e mettere in frigo per un'ora. Ungere una teglia rettangolare, affettare il rotolo a fette di 2 cm. circa ed adagiarle nella teglia leggermente sovrapposte. Cospargere con il parmigiano rimasto e con fiocchetti di burro. Infornare per un quarto d'ora a 180° C.

Cheese Twist - Pastry in sticks


  • 2 packets of rectangular puff pastry
  • anchovy paste
  • grated sheep's cheese
  • sesame and poppy seeds
  • 1 egg
Lay down the pastry and evenly spread the anchovy paste. Fold it in the middle, brush with the egg, sprinkle with poppy seeds.
Put the sticks on a baking tray covered with greseproof paper and bake them in the hoven at 200° C. for 10 minutes, until brown.
Prepare the second pastry using  grated sheep cheese instead of the anchovy paste,fold it and cut into sticks, brush with the egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake the same way. 

sabato 1 marzo 2014

Torta golosa


  • pasta frolla con 300 gr. farina (vedi ricetta base)
  • 2 cucchiai marmellata arance amare
  • 2 mele Pink Lady
  • 2 cucchiai uvette
  • una noce di burro
  • 2 cucchiai di zucchero
crema pasticcera fatta con:
  • 500 ml latte
  • 3 tuorli
  • 3 cucchiai farina bianca 00
  • 3 cucchiai zucchero
  • scorza di limone grattugiata

Preparare la crema pasticcera: in un tegame sbattere i 3 tuorli con lo zucchero, la farina, e la scorza di limone. Aggiungere a filo il latte e mescolare bene fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo. Mettere sul fuoco e portare ad ebollizione continuando a mescolare fino ad avere una crema densa. Lasciar raffreddare.
Sbucciare e tagliare a dadini le mele. Mettere in una padellina il burro con le mele e lo zucchero e far caramellare per 10 minuti circa. Lasciar raffreddare.
Ungere col burro una tortiera  con cerniera da 20 cm. e rivestirla con 2/3 di pasta frolla. Spalmare sulla base di frolla la marmellata di arance e ricoprire con le uvette. Versare la crema pasticcera e stenderla in modo uniforme, poi adagiare le mele caramellate. Ricoprire il tutto  con il resto della pasta frolla grattugiandola sopra grossolanamente. Mettere in forno caldo a 180°C per circa 40 minuti.